Why are dinosaurs buried so deep? Did rock form over them?


Why are dinosaurs buried so deep? Did rock form over them?

In: 626

17 Answers

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Let’s say you’re a 50 foot tall dinosaur and your best friend, Melvin, is also a 50 foot tall dinosaur. Now, as you probably know, the average human person is somewhere between 5 and 6 feet in height. But, we like to bury our dead buddies at a depth of 6 feet underground for the most part. This way, we don’t accidentally dig them up when we’re playing in the sandbox. So, if you’re 50 feet tall, are you only going to bury your buddy 6 feet under where you might accidentally uncover him when you’re playing in the sandbox? No way, you’ve got to go deeper! So, as a dinosaur, you will like to bury your buddies at least 50 or 60 feet down. All this talk about rocks and geologists, they just don’t get us 5 year olds playing in sandboxes.

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