What stops drones just killing everything and whoever has the most winning every battle? How are they being defeated? What limits their use? Why aren’t infantry utterly terrified going into battle when drones seem able to blow them up without warning, dropping bombs out of nowhere? Can they be detected being small and flying low? Do they do air-to-air combat?
In: Technology
There is something called electronic warfare (EW for short).
Basically you have various ways to hijack or suppress the signal between the drone and its pilot.
One of these ways is the [anti drone gun](https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraines-anti-drone-guns-down-russian-drones-recover-intelligence-2023-2?amp).
You can also simply shoot it down with a high rate of fire weapon, this is something the [Gepards](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flakpanzer_Gepard) given by Germany to Ukraine seems to be very good at, it is essentially a big radar glued to twin autocannons shooting 550 35mm shells per minute each.
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