Why are elevators made with cinder blocks?


I live in an area where there are a lot of multifamily apartments under construction. In the early stage of construction, the entire construction site seems to be made of reinforced concrete, except the elevator which is made of cinder blocks. Why isn’t that made of poured concrete too, and why do they seem to build the elevator shafts before everything else?

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4 Answers

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They have to build a scaffold to set the block up that high. They could set it inside the shaft, but that is much more difficult logistically (they would have a more difficult time getting the block and grout onto the scaffold in the shaft than outside). That would take more time and time is the most precious thing on a construction site. (safety, yes, but quickly please)

They have to put embeds (steel plates that the joists or beams sit on and are welded to) in the outside of the elevator shafts (and stairwells) to help support the upper floors. So they build the elevator shaft up and get the masons out of the way of the crane that will set the structural steel.

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