Working around people who drink 5 or 6 energy drinks a day for years. Also consume 1 or 2 a day on average.
Keep seeing everyone talk about how dangerous they are, yet nothing about what makes them dangerous.
Edit: Answers to questions.
Wow, thanks for all the info. Amazing feedback!
Based on feedback, I’d like to specify and give some info of my own. To get more detailed info if possible.
Reign energy drinks have 300mg caffeine. I’ve seen people crush a 12 pack in 2 or 3 days. What are the risks they are giving themselves? The sugar-free ones are not usually consumed, but I have some, and they have 200mg caffeine in each.
I also drink those 5 hour energy drinks too but I will substitute 1 5hr drink for 1 energy drink and will never consume more than 3 in a day. Is that still within a healthy limit?
My routine is as follows:
Wake up, eat breakfast within 2 hours. Drink 1 energy booster an hour or 2 after that, and then wait 4-5 hours and drink another. I have a hard stop on all caffeine and sugar 5 hours before bedtime to help get down off the energy high and sleep better.
A lot of people talked about the sugar and the sugar free drinks. Yet, I see a lot of sugar substitutions like Sucralose, Stevia, aspartame, etc… I have no idea if these are better/safer than actual sugar but I do consume sugar free variants from time to time.
I guess a more detailed title would be, as someone with high heart risks, what are the dangerous levels of caffeine, sugar, and sugar substitutes for me to consume?
I’m wondering now if there is anything else in these drinks that could be a harm. I’ve read the labels on the ones I have and I’m seeing “proprietary blend” on several of them. The ingredients listed afterward are vague and little contact is given. Anyone know what is in them?
Edit #2: Info about why I started drinking them and what led to this post.
I work 17 hour days for 15 days straight. I get 7 hours between shifts to shower and sleep. Pretty much go go go till I get days off. The first day or 2, I die and hardly get out of bed.
I started drinking energy drinks to keep me going, but if I drink them on days off, it is because I’m having caffeine withdrawals and a huge headache.
My wife is super worried about me because I have a history of heart disease in my family, and too much could easily do serious damage.
Can I cold turkey quit energy drink? Will it have any effects other than the severe headache I’ve already experienced from trying to refrain?
In: Other
Energy drinks contain caffeine, and actually, loads of it. One Monster can, for example, contains 160mg, which is 40% of the recommended daily limit (400mg, varying according to each person’s metabolism).
Imagine using caffeine is like borrowing from a bank. You “borrow” energy – or actually, wakefulness – that your future self will use. Eventually, you will have to pay it back. If you don’t pay it back sooner, by sleeping (obviously), the interest will accumulate.
Caffeine is the only unregulated psychoactive drug left.
From internet: Caffeine is a psychoactive (mind-altering) drug that affects how we think and feel. It is a stimulant that speeds up our breathing, heart rate, thoughts and actions.
So taking it has consequences. How they materialize might be different. Increased wear on body. Less sleep changes behavior, actions and choices. Through a lifetime this might amount to different outcome of a lot of things.
So I think it’s more high intakes that are dangerous. The vast majority of people are fine to drink caffeine on a regular basis – think of your coffee addicts
When I was 18 I was doing uni full time and then graveyard shifts full time. I had a full day of uni, into a graveyard into a 8am start at uni. I drank about 2L of V and popped about 6 no doz. By 5am I was shaking like a leaf in a storm. I genuinely thought my heart was going to come out of my chest. My work had to call an ambulance. Let me tell you friend, you do not want to experience a caffeine overdose.
Uh… OP, you do realize that 5 Hour Energy drinks also contain 200+ mg caffeine per shot? [Supplement info here.](
Also, this question brings to mind [a recent video]( from a doctor who discusses medical case studies. I know this case is an extreme example and you’re not chugging three Monsters before going to the gym, but it illustrates a couple of important points:
* People often seem to get away with caffeine overuse/abuse for a long time… until suddenly they don’t. It can really sneak up on you.
* It can be difficult to predict the effects of energy drinks over time because we don’t know what’s in those “proprietary blends” of half-studied supplements.
* Substituting stimulant drinks for sleep may work for a few days, but it’s a downward spiral in the long term. How long are you planning on working 17s?
Lastly, as a regular Monster drinker myself, I would advise against quitting caffeine cold turkey unless you can afford to feel like absolute shit for the next 5-10 days. Tapering off over the course of 2-4 weeks is a lot more manageable if you’re committed.
Speaking as a former methamphetamine addict,
Energy drinks represent the worst kinds of drug dealer: sell whatever cheap garbage you can get to whoever is dumb enough to buy
Energy drinks are crammed full of legal stimulants, enough sugar to suppress the gag reflex and are clearly marketed to children
No one should have 6+ stimulants acting on their heart and liver at the same time, especially children
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