Why are F1 drivers hot if wind is coming at them at 200-300kmph

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I was reading that F1 drivers have to withstand really high temperatures consistently during a race and don’t have A/C. How come they’re hot if there’s wind coming at them really fast throughout the entire race?

In: Physics

35 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fun fact, it’s not uncommon in GT or closed cockpit racing to see drivers wearing a “cool suit” that’s essentially a fire resistant shirt with a system of plastic tubes running around it with cooled liquid running through it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Don’t Indy Car helmets have a cooling vent attached to it?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Same reason why you don’t get cold when you’re on a plane: the wind is not hitting your body

Anonymous 0 Comments

How cool do solar winds keep you on the sun? Asking for a friend

Anonymous 0 Comments

No AC, fire resistance suits, helmet, limited water (often hot), and climates like Singapore being hot/humid won’t get anywhere cold

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s important to note that the 300mph “wind” isn’t coming at them. They are coming at it. So it isn’t cooled at all when they hit it. They are coming at hot air as races are usually held in warm climates. Furthermore, they are insanely well insulated.

Anonymous 0 Comments

On top of what others have said about aerodynamics and many layers, they’re also sat right in front of a 1000 hp engine running at max revs for 70% of the time. In addition to being sat literally on the floor of the car that often scrapes the track surface in high downforce areas, generating heat from friction.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They’re not riding bikes dude, really?

Anonymous 0 Comments

One smart guy running a water/air intercooler with ice and water also used it plumbed into his “cool suit” under all the Nomex and his helmet. He had two 8mm quick connects mounted to the seat.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s really really hard work in those cars. They are pulling lots of Gs and fighting hard to keep control of the car and go as fast as possible. Here is where one of the drivers left his radio on and you can here him panting.

Also they are wearing full flame retardant race suits and helmets. Some how Roman survived this crash and fireball.