Why are females usually smaller than males?


Having to carry another person inside of you, logically speaking I’d think would be a task to the taller/bigger one.

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Human women are smaller than human men. In many species there’s little to no sexual dimorphism, in many it’s the other way around. As for humans, it’s the case for primates and many monkeys too – sexual selection by females selected for bigger males because they could protect the pack from other males or predators, so the females can focus on foraging and taking care of offspring.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically it is the other way round or you are looking at it the wrong way, the females aren’t smaller, the males are larger. While this seems the same, it is significantly different, females have to spend all their surplus energy on producing children and raising them, this limits their size. Males have to spend relatively little energy on their children instead they need to out compete other males for access to the females; so they can spend their surplus energy on growing bigger and stronger in an attempt to become the dominant male and so pass on their genes to more offspring.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sometimes the females of a species is smaller than male. Other times the female is larger. It just depends on which species. In most fish and insects, the female is bigger.