Why are flights between major airports cheaper than to/from a smaller airport?


With all else being roughly equal: direct flight, similar distance, same airline.

Yeah the supply is greater at major airports (in the form of more gates), but so is the demand. I’m struggling to see why that doesn’t balance out.

In: 3

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A variety of reasons:

1) Bigger planes are more efficient per passenger in terms of fuel, and cheaper to fly in terms of crew cost (flying a 100 seater means you need to pay one pilot per 50 passengers, in a 300 seater you only have to pay one pilot per 150 passengers. Even with a relief pilot, it’d still only one 1 per 100 passengers)

2) Bigger Airports have more competition, which drives prices down

3) at bigger airports/hubs the airline often has their **own** check in/ground handling staff as well engineers/maintenance, whereas as at small/non-hub airports those things are often sub contracted, which is more expensive for the airline

4) Flying between large airports means a larger demand for carge transportation, which is a large profit driver even for passenger airplanes

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