Why are foods spicy to certain people?

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My fiancé *LOVES* spicy food, and a lot of other foods I don’t like, which is fine, but we were talking a few days ago and I told him I thought bell peppers were spicy, he laughed and said, “They’re not spicy? What do you mean?” Which made me contemplate everything I’ve ever known. Am I just broken?

In: Other

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

No, bell peppers are not spicy. I bet he is actually mildly allergic to them and is interpreting his reaction as spiciness. 

Anonymous 0 Comments

Capsaicin, the compound that your body interprets as “heat” in a picante way, is a chemical that your body can adjust to. Eat it long enough and your body will adjust and no longer notice when you eat it. 

Edit: there also might be a perceptual component to it, since bell peppers *should* have no capsaicin whatsoever. I have a family member who will eat homemade tomato sauce (tomato, salt, and pepper) and complain that it’s too spicy. 

Anonymous 0 Comments

Maybe you are extra sensitive to capsaicin? Do bell peppers even have capsaicin?

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re not broken, but you might be allergic to bell peppers. There was a well-known post a while back about a fellow who thought his whole life that bananas were spicy, turns out he was allergic. I was the same way with ginger, I’d be like, I love the way ginger makes your tongue and mouth tingle and go numb! It is not meant to do that. I am allergic to ginger.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bell peppers do not contain capsaicin. You are allergic to bell peppers, so that was pretty hilarious

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are non-tasters and super tasters. Non tasters have more taste buds on their tongue. Super tasters have less taste buds. I’m a non taster. I like spicy, salty, peppery, hot food, whiskey and big bold red wines. My wife is a super taster. She doesn’t like anything spicy. Only semi bland food and only a good chardonnay.