why are football matches “at home” or as “visitors” treated like an advantage or disadvantage?


is there any way in which this fact could affect a match by itself?

In: 8717

16 Answers

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A lot of sports is mental. You have to be in a good place mentally to perform well.

When playing at home, the players likely slept in their own bed the night before. Showered and got ready for the day in their own home. That has to be better for you mentally than waking up in some hotel room, in a city you’re unfamiliar with.

To add to that, travel just wears out your body. Which is why when it’s more than a 1 timezones shift, teams prefer to be in the opposing city a full day early. So they get a day of recovery in the city they’re playing in.

Finally while you’re playing, it’s gonna mess with you mentally to be booed anytime anything goes your way. All the emotion in the stadium is against you. That’s gotta mess with your headspace a little bit.

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