why are football matches “at home” or as “visitors” treated like an advantage or disadvantage?


is there any way in which this fact could affect a match by itself?

In: 8717

16 Answers

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In baseball (which I realize is not football) there is often *quirks* to the local field that the home team understands very well that the other team may not have a full understanding of. The ones I can immediately think of is Fenway Park with the (The Monster) wall in left field. and Wrigley field that has park of the field wall is made of brick and covered in ivy (and an unsuspecting rookie will run into).

In football fans attempt to make the stadium extra loud when the visiting team has the ball, making it harder for them to get plays off. This was turning up in the most recent round of play off games where the visiting teams were having trouble getting plays off on time and getting called for Delay of Game (which is a five yard penalty).

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