why are football matches “at home” or as “visitors” treated like an advantage or disadvantage?


is there any way in which this fact could affect a match by itself?

In: 8717

16 Answers

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There are multiple advantages to playing at home:

1) Noise. Your home fans will do everything they can to help the home team and inhibit the away team. So, when your team needs to communicate or focus, they will be quiet. When the visiting team needs to do the same, they will be as loud as possible. In many cases, it can get so loud on the field that they players literally cannot hear what anyone is saying unless they are within a few feet of each other and screaming as loud as possible. This can cause miscommunication, plays to go wrong, or even time outs to be called.

2) Travel. If you are playing at home, you don’t have to take a day to travel. That gives your team an extra day of preparation. You also get to sleep in your own bed instead of a hotel.

3) Facilities. Many stadiums have pretty crappy visiting lockers for the away team. They’re small, dirty, and dull. Some teams even go as far as to make it uncomfortable, such as the air conditioning is constantly “broken”. Imagine coming in during halftime when it’s hot outside, and your locker room is even hotter. You don’t get a chance to rest or cool down. That affects your performance.

4) Mental aspect. People tend to perform better when they feel like the hero instead of the villain. It’s easier to get hyped and perform well when 80,000 are cheering for you and celebrating with you. It’s a lot harder to perform well when 80,000 people are booing you and cheering for your failure.

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