Why are games single-core bound on CPUs and not multithreaded? I understand why the rendering is offloaded to GPUs but what about other tasks?


Why are games single-core bound on CPUs and not multithreaded? I understand why the rendering is offloaded to GPUs but what about other tasks?

In: 5

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It all depends on the game. One game I worked on was cross PC and Xbox. We needed the game to look and play well to what people with PCs would expect and keep the Xbox on par with the PC. That meant a lot of multi-threading on the Xbox. AI, Physics, Audio and more got their own slice of a CPU and the game was sequenced in stages – Pre-physics, physics resolution, game state update. Threads that needed syncing up could wait for the stage event then start processing.

The game I’m working on now is server – mobile. Server has plenty of processing power and the mobile does the rendering. Not a multi-thread in sight.

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