Why are Greyhound bus stations almost always in poor, high crime neighborhoods?

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Why are Greyhound bus stations almost always in poor, high crime neighborhoods?

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34 Answers

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One thing I don’t see said yet is that often wealthy communities do not allow bus stations in their community out of fear that it will bring crime and/or “””crime””” (a dog whistle for minorities). Wealthy communities *want* to limit access. If poor people *can* ride the bus to that community, they *will*, and then there will be dirty dirty poors walking around the neighborhood, committing crimes, and taking all their stolen goods back home on the bus. It could also mean people without the means to own a vehicle will be more likely to move there permanently, since they would have access to transportation.

Whether or not these fears are reasonable doesn’t matter. People believe them, and prevent busses and railways in their communities.

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