Why are gymnast routines today that much more complicated than in the past; are modern athletes like gymnasts “better” than those from the past?


Or, more generally to sports in general. It seems records are frequently broken, and while exemplary exceptions do exist, if you look at a world class acrobatics or gymnastics or ice skating event from 50 years ago, it looks like child’s play compared to what you see today.

Does it have to do with our understanding of kinesiology and health sciences, and as they evolve, so does athletic ability in general?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes, you’re right! The increased complexity of gymnastics routines and the continual breaking of sports records can be attributed to a combination of factors. One of the biggest factors is advancements in sports science and technology. As our understanding of the human body and how it functions has grown, we’ve been able to develop more effective training methods and techniques that can help athletes improve their performance.

In addition to this, improvements in equipment and facilities have also played a role. For example, modern gymnastics equipment is designed to be more springy and responsive than older equipment, allowing athletes to perform more complex maneuvers with greater ease and safety.

Another factor is the increased competitiveness of sports at the international level. With more countries and athletes competing, the level of competition has risen, leading to a greater demand for athletes to constantly push the boundaries of what’s possible.

All of these factors combined have resulted in modern athletes like gymnasts being able to perform more complex and impressive routines than their predecessors. However, it’s important to note that this doesn’t necessarily mean that modern athletes are inherently “better” than those from the past. Different eras have different training methods, equipment, and competitive environments, so it’s difficult to compare them directly.

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