The reason that I am having problems understanding this is because when I imagine crypto mining, I imagine basically an infinite command prompt constantly running. In my uneducated mind I don’t seeing this as a graphics drain I see it as taxing the gpu and ram. I am below beginner in my knowledge of computers. Thanks in advance!
In: 45
You’re kind of correct but also not.
Think of mining as doing a math problem over and over and over using random numbers until you happen to find the right answer to a question.
Like, if I gave you the question X+1=50 and had you solve it you’d reverse the problem so that it read X=50-1 then know that X=49. Lets imagine we had a problem complicated enough that reversing it was impossible. You had to just try random values of X and see if they made the equation “work”. That’s what crypto mining is, it’s doing a math problem over and over and over again until you find the right variables that make it “work”.
Now any computer processor can do math, a CPU or GPU being the most common. It just so happens that the kind of math involved in crypto mining has a lot of similarities to the kind of work that GPUs are designed to do.
A GPU and CPU are generally very similar, it’s just that the GPU is designed to do a particular kind of task (graphics processing) where’s a CPU is more of a general use device. It can do all kinds of computer work where’s a GPU is good for basically only 1 thing.
It just so happens that crypto mining is VERY close to the kind of work that a GPU is designed to do. It’s able to do it much faster than a CPU is.
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