The reason that I am having problems understanding this is because when I imagine crypto mining, I imagine basically an infinite command prompt constantly running. In my uneducated mind I don’t seeing this as a graphics drain I see it as taxing the gpu and ram. I am below beginner in my knowledge of computers. Thanks in advance!
In: 45
Several years ago an engineer at Nvidia decided to try using their graphics GPU as a parallel processor.
The GPU is designed to process large arrays of numbers and perform several types of calculations with those arrays.
He was successful. Thus the Tesla supercomputer was born.
This project showed that the GPU could be used for other purposes. The Tesla was a scalable architecture that could out perform any standard CPU based computer.
Since then, others have capitalized on this success by writing code that would run on the GPU for other purposes. So now, instead of buying a Tesla and spending all that cash, you can just buy graphics cards for certain application specific projects. Projects such as crypto mining.
Others have written other applications for this type of setup. But basically, it is mostly used for crypto mining.
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