The reason that I am having problems understanding this is because when I imagine crypto mining, I imagine basically an infinite command prompt constantly running. In my uneducated mind I don’t seeing this as a graphics drain I see it as taxing the gpu and ram. I am below beginner in my knowledge of computers. Thanks in advance!
In: 45
A GPU is optimized to run the same computations on lots of different data at once. For example doing trigonometry on all the 3D points in a scene or calculating the exact color for each pixel. While a CPU might have a handful of compute cores doing different computations a GPU have thousands of cores but they all do the same thing in sync. In cryptomining you are calculating the hash of a random number hoping to get the right result. The more times you can do this the more likely you are to win. And while a CPU core is usually much faster at this then a GPU core there are thousands of GPU cores so you can do all the hashes in parallel. This means you are kind of tricking the GPU into doing cryptographic hashes instead of graphics rendering. In the old days when concepts like this were starting you literally had to trick the GPU as you had to make your problem into a graphical problem that could be solved by the GPU. But pretty soon GPU manufacturers came out with drivers and toolkits to do any calculations on the GPU directly.
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