Why are Hindi and Urdu are considered separate languages but Moroccan Arabic and Iraqi Arabic are considered the same language?


My understanding is the main difference between Hindi and Urdu is that Hindi is in Devanagari script and Urdu is in a modified form of Arabic Script, and they can understand each others spoken language with ease, whereas Moroccans and Iraqis cannot understand each other at all. Why is this?

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9 Answers

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Moroccans and Iraqis and the rest of Arabs can perfectly understand each other by putting a little bit of effort and using more neutral words. Arabic is huge in vocabulary that’s why each dialect uses different words, but they are all synonymous to esch other. For example, in Morocco we say ‘ana kan bghi’ to ‘i love something’, in Saudi they use the same word but different variation they say ‘ana abgha’. We say ‘hadi’ (this), other arabs say ‘haide/ hai’, similar words. Northern Morocco uses ‘aayel/ayla’, Saudis say ‘ayaal’ (kids). And there’s millions of other examples.

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