Why are humans one of the only mammals that don’t have fur all over their skin. What’s the advantage?


Why are humans one of the only mammals that don’t have fur all over their skin. What’s the advantage?

In: 125

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Human beings evolved to stand upright and sweat – and sweating works better to control heat if tot have no fur.

The advantage this coveys is endurance. A human can walk further without resting than just about any other animal and primitive cultures engaged in exhaustion hunting – where they tracked an animal relentlessly until it collapsed of exhaustion. Walking upright is very efficient, energy wise, and sweating to cool down is very effective.

You can test this very easily. Take your dog for a very long walk and see which one of you has to stop first. You will win as long as you just keep briskly walking (assuming you are reasonably fit).

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