Why are kangaroos found only in Australia? Why didn’t they become an invasive species on different continents?


Why are kangaroos found only in Australia? Why didn’t they become an invasive species on different continents?

In: Earth Science

8 Answers

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Australia has been a separate continent for 100 million years give or take, they evolved here in that time. People migrated to Australia bringing the species they knew to the new lands, before we knew about invasive species and such. Most invasive species here were introduced for farming or are escaped/released pets, some were introduced to control pests, and some were unintended stowaways.

There hasn’t been a desire or need to take kangaroos overseas for similar reasons i supose and probably less likely now than before. Perhaps in another timeline ppl migrated from australia instead of to, back in the day, and kangaroos roam free overseas 🙂

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