Why are “low budget” radio stations on lower frequency?

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In my experience the “Clear Channel” radio stations(With huge money backing) always have from like 101.1-107.9 and the “niche religious stations” are always in the 89.1-92.1 area.

Is there a reason for this as far as bandwith goes or price to broadcast?

In: Economics

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The 88.1 – 91.9 frequency range is reserved for non-commercial radio stations in the US. These are usually low powered stations that are self funded, and the main entities willing to self fund such a station are religious in nature. The 92.X frequency band is available for commercial radio stations but can act as an overflow when there are too many non-commercial stations in an area to fit in the 88.1 – 91.9 band.

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