Why are low caliber bullets not pointy?

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I have seen a lot of answers, that are telling that it has more damage area and it fits in auto loaders better. I accept the second one, but not the first. Imagine a 9mm hits a vest and… nothing, probably a couple of broken bones, even though it has a larger damage area. Then the person takes their gun and shoots you. Your shots were probably useless. But if that 9mm was pointy it would, depending on the vest, penetrate it and hit the person, severely damaging the person. You’re now safe. That’s my scenario. So why are low caliber bullets not pointy?

In: Engineering

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why are you hanging up on body armor?

First, it’s pretty rare to hear of a crackhead busting into your house to steal your social security cards wearing a vest. The vast majority of these large-caliber handguns (in America, anyhow) are in the hands of civilians seeking self-defense. It’s all but unheard of for us to need self-defense against someone wearing body armor.

Second, you definitely don’t want to risk overpenetrating a target. EVERYTHING that bullet hits, is the responsibility of whoever fired it. “But I was shooting at the criminal!” Yup. And your shot domed little Tiffany, so you’ll be lucky if you don’t go to prison before her family sues the shit out of you. SHE WAS A GIRL SCOUT, you fucking MONSTER!

Third, see everyone else’s points about the Admiral-General Aladeen pointy-versus-rounded thing. https://youtu.be/vV30irsal-w?si=zJ_ufJofjMnJzEne That’s you, with the beard and the uniform. I’m the fat guy in the labcoat in the back- you know what? Let’s just move on.

Designing a cartridge is tricky business. Usually you want the bullet to hit at a certain velocity, so it’s the gun’s problem to have the right barrel length to get it there for the range you want, and to apply the right twist (I mean, SMOOTHBORE?! What is this, a TANK?! Pfft!) to stabilize it and blah blah. But that bullet needs to act right. The gun gets it to the target with the right velocity, and now we need one half the mass times the velocity squared, right? If that bullet pops out the back of its target, even just at paper airplane speed now, then there was energy unnecessarily expended to do that. And there’s poor little Tiffany. SHE OVERCAME DYSLEXIA you BRUTE!


Poor little Tiffany might be up to some shit.

You know what? You go on with your pointy bullets.

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