I have seen a lot of answers, that are telling that it has more damage area and it fits in auto loaders better. I accept the second one, but not the first. Imagine a 9mm hits a vest and… nothing, probably a couple of broken bones, even though it has a larger damage area. Then the person takes their gun and shoots you. Your shots were probably useless. But if that 9mm was pointy it would, depending on the vest, penetrate it and hit the person, severely damaging the person. You’re now safe. That’s my scenario. So why are low caliber bullets not pointy?
In: Engineering
> So why are low caliber bullets not pointy?
some actually are. 5.7x28mm (the standard cartridge for the FN p90) is even smaller than 9mm and it’s pointy.
you can find blunt nosed ammunition in large calibers, usually meant for big game.
in general, pointy ammunition is higher velocity. it needs to be more aerodynamic to stay accurate.
in handguns, the barrel doesn’t have enough length to let a high velocity round get up to speed before it’s out of the barrel. a stubby bullet is more massive for the same length, and gives the propellant more time to put its energy into the bullet.
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