Why are majority Caucasian countries doing so well in almost all positive aspects of society compared to the rest of the world(barring the oil empire when it comes to wealth)?


Why are majority Caucasian countries doing so well in almost all positive aspects of society compared to the rest of the world(barring the oil empire when it comes to wealth)?

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10 Answers

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Because of culture of free destiny.

The thing is that thouthands years ago this concept was forgotten (in constant attempt to survive famines) or not developed at all. For peoples only king had its own destiny ithers did not. Its hugely represented in absence of recorded names for non royal people. It is extremely rare artifact to find generals names, king teacher names etc. After Hellenistic culture spread individual horoscopes became a really popular thing.

Than ancient greeks Hellenics comes developed concept that anyone might become anything. Slave can become a king. It is a chalange to find such stories in other culture, while greeks had a tons of them.

Those ideas were spread by Alexander the great to east. Through he had not reached china and thus Hellenistic ideas have not settled there.

As free destiny concept spreaded people started to demand more and more policies to improve wellbeing of common folks. That also gave push to forming of democracic states. Yet for many reasons democratic states had problems with regime sustainability, but over countless trials they developed required technologies and now democracy is a dominant political form of rulling.

So the ling story short – development if democracy improved common folks wellbeing as ut allowed them to ask for particular changes

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