– Why are math equations pertinent to wormhole theories?


I’ve been reading the Wikipedia page for wormholes to kill some time.

The theatrics of a wormhole I understand somewhat through the diagrams and visualisation, but how do math equations represent the theory itself? To me it comes across as… well, just maths.

**Please do actually ELI5, I hardcore sucked at physics and maths in school.**

Link for context: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wormhole

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Math is just a way of explaining things using statements that are not false. Wether or not they apply to an object is unknown without measuring inputs and outputs. But it’s our best predictor. For example we did not have the ability to compute many machine learning algorithms on the scale we do today but the models/theories were developed in 1950s (the true foundations for hundreds of years before!). Now come 70 years later they hold up.

I do not have the full context to why each variable holds up to be true and what conditions they expect which will imply what equation is true but the idea is to use existing work and model things the best they can using known information.

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