There are various reasons, the loudest bikes typically fall under 1 or 2, but the reasons can be any and all of the following.
1. Obnoxious attention getters (typically revving at red lights)
2. Better performance
3. You can hear it better and less likely to be hit by a car
4. It actually sounds better, the harmonics are actually more pleasing to the ear. (This is subjective, but there is actual science to it.
5. My personal reason and favorite, it feels better to ride- the vibration of the exhaust provides more feedback to the rider through their ears, the seat, the handlebars, the whole riding experience.
Dudes that rev the shit out of their harleys at red lights in the middle of towns see annoying as shit, but the feeling you get at 8500 rpm with a good sports exhaust on a good road is hard to match.
There are multiple reasons, different strokes for different folks.
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