why are non-digital weighing scales still heavily used across many professional sports, hospitals, etc?


Does it have to do with accuracy?

In: 117

40 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

While yes, a digital scale can tell you a person’s weight to the thousandths place with pinpoint accuracy, there’s this old saying, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

Turns out that a person’s weight fluctuates so much during the day from many factors (whether you just pissed, or ate a huge meal, or ran a mile and breathed and sweated a lot, or haven’t passed in hours). So the level of accuracy provided by a digital scale isn’t really needed. They are also a lot harder to fix and need to either be constantly plugged it or require batteries, which a mechanical scale doesn’t. And a mechanical anything is less prone to damage than the same thing but digital

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