why are non-digital weighing scales still heavily used across many professional sports, hospitals, etc?


Does it have to do with accuracy?

In: 117

40 Answers

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For professional sports, like boxing or MMA, it almost certainly for dramatic effect. It’s a lot cooler and builds anticipation as a boxer steps onto the scale before a bout and they have to slide weights across one by one and the final weight has to be positioned so carefully for beam to balance. If it’s just step up and an immediate digital read out, there’s no drama or showmanship.

For hospitals, usually there is an engineering group that standardize all of the equipment. They don’t replace things that last 10+ years just because there is new technology. And while accuracy is important, it for not need any more accuracy that the mechanical scales already offer. The scales need to be durable, reliable and repairable. Mechanical beam scales have proven this for decades, so what’s the advantage of replacing them.

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