why are non-digital weighing scales still heavily used across many professional sports, hospitals, etc?


Does it have to do with accuracy?

In: 117

40 Answers

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One way to make a scale is to create a balance between known weights and the thing you want to know the weight of.

Let’s say you want to know the weight of your stuffed rabbit. If you take a long pole and balance it perfectly on something, you can hang your stuffed rabbit on one end and a weight you know is 500 grams on the other end. If the pole stays balanced, the rabbit weighs exactly 500 grams.

You can buy sets of labeled weights that can be used to measure the weight of anything. And you can use some clever linkages to make a scale that’s a different shape, not just a long bar. The one at your doctor’s office probably uses a mechanism like that and works by sliding weights around on a bar until it balances.

This can be better than an electronic scale because they never need to be checked to see if they are still accurate. When you see a balance scale work, you know the two things you’re balancing weigh the same.

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