: Why are other planets and stars and all that colourful galaxy not visible in the sky the same way we see the moon and sun in our everyday mundane lives with naked eyes?


: Why are other planets and stars and all that colourful galaxy not visible in the sky the same way we see the moon and sun in our everyday mundane lives with naked eyes?

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18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Others have given good answers. All those things are visible in the sky. Our own galaxy is visible; it’s the Milky Way, and in August, the night sky is facing the center of it. If you take a picture of the sky with a fisheye lens in an area with no light pollution on a dark August night, our galaxy appears with the central bulge and all, stretched from horizon to horizon. Here’s an example: http://www.atscope.com.au/newsky/fisheyegx.jpg

The reason you don’t see colors in night sky objects is because you have two kinds of receptors in your eyes. One kind called “cones” can sense colors, and the other kind called “rods” can sense brightness. The color receptors don’t work well at low light levels, so you don’t see colors well at night. The colors appear in photographs, however, because camera film (and nowadays digital sensors) respond to colors of any brightness.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Others have given good answers. All those things are visible in the sky. Our own galaxy is visible; it’s the Milky Way, and in August, the night sky is facing the center of it. If you take a picture of the sky with a fisheye lens in an area with no light pollution on a dark August night, our galaxy appears with the central bulge and all, stretched from horizon to horizon. Here’s an example: http://www.atscope.com.au/newsky/fisheyegx.jpg

The reason you don’t see colors in night sky objects is because you have two kinds of receptors in your eyes. One kind called “cones” can sense colors, and the other kind called “rods” can sense brightness. The color receptors don’t work well at low light levels, so you don’t see colors well at night. The colors appear in photographs, however, because camera film (and nowadays digital sensors) respond to colors of any brightness.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you’re including the planets of our solar system then they are very visible in the night sky. Venus, Jupiter and Mars are generally the 3rd-, 4th-, and 5th-brightest objects in the sky after only the sun and moon. Knowing where they are helps but you can often recognise them in the sky once you’re familiar with them. They follow a similar path to the sun and moon. Mercury and Saturn aren’t much harder to see.

If you know exactly where to look, you can even see Venus in the day.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you’re including the planets of our solar system then they are very visible in the night sky. Venus, Jupiter and Mars are generally the 3rd-, 4th-, and 5th-brightest objects in the sky after only the sun and moon. Knowing where they are helps but you can often recognise them in the sky once you’re familiar with them. They follow a similar path to the sun and moon. Mercury and Saturn aren’t much harder to see.

If you know exactly where to look, you can even see Venus in the day.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you’re including the planets of our solar system then they are very visible in the night sky. Venus, Jupiter and Mars are generally the 3rd-, 4th-, and 5th-brightest objects in the sky after only the sun and moon. Knowing where they are helps but you can often recognise them in the sky once you’re familiar with them. They follow a similar path to the sun and moon. Mercury and Saturn aren’t much harder to see.

If you know exactly where to look, you can even see Venus in the day.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are visible, just not the same as the moon because the moon is closer and the sun is huge. A house is easier to see than a grain of sand

You can easily see Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. When you see a very bright “star” that’s probably a planet. Venus and Jupiter are the brightest dots in the sky.

Galaxies and Nebulae aren’t really visible to the naked eye, the photos you see online are taken with extremely long exposures and lots of color enhancing and other editing.

Maybe under perfect skies without light pollution you could see some vague nebulae and Andromeda.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are visible, just not the same as the moon because the moon is closer and the sun is huge. A house is easier to see than a grain of sand

You can easily see Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. When you see a very bright “star” that’s probably a planet. Venus and Jupiter are the brightest dots in the sky.

Galaxies and Nebulae aren’t really visible to the naked eye, the photos you see online are taken with extremely long exposures and lots of color enhancing and other editing.

Maybe under perfect skies without light pollution you could see some vague nebulae and Andromeda.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are visible, just not the same as the moon because the moon is closer and the sun is huge. A house is easier to see than a grain of sand

You can easily see Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. When you see a very bright “star” that’s probably a planet. Venus and Jupiter are the brightest dots in the sky.

Galaxies and Nebulae aren’t really visible to the naked eye, the photos you see online are taken with extremely long exposures and lots of color enhancing and other editing.

Maybe under perfect skies without light pollution you could see some vague nebulae and Andromeda.