Why are people with an odd number of chromosomes able to reproduce if animals with an odd number of chromosomes cannot?


I want to be very clear, I am not saying that there is anything wrong with people with Down syndrome having or raising children. I am confused because I learn in high school biology that animals like mules cannot reproduce because of their odd number of chromosomes so why is this not true for humans with an odd number of chromosomes?

In: 146

9 Answers

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So we do not exactly know why males are infertile but there have only been 3 cases of fertility in Down’s males.

Females on the other hand are rarely fertile but many can be sub fertile, this means that they get pregnant but most babies end up with horrible disfigurations or are aborted spontaneously.

So, just like other animals, humans too cannot reproduce with odd chromosome numbers. This does not have to do with having 3 chromosomes but the effects of having 3 chromosomes.

Humans are also animals and largely follow the same genetic patterns and rules.

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