why are plastics so much worse than other non biodegradable things like concrete or rock?


I understand that plastics are bad for the environment but why are they so much worse then any other rocks and sand that are always present. If plastics can’t biodegrade why can’t they be considered as a somthing like sand after a certain point.

In: 43

45 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The easiest answer is that you’re asking if the permanence of an object is the only factor if something is bad. It’s not. An “Artificial object” is usually created using chemicals which can leach into the environment during its time as “waste”. Naturally occurring substances like rock are subject to natural forces like erosion and the like making their addition to the environment more manageable. Now I should like to add, when humans finally stop abusing their environment and allow it to heal, natural forces and processes will break down and normalize everything, even plastic.

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