why are plastics so much worse than other non biodegradable things like concrete or rock?


I understand that plastics are bad for the environment but why are they so much worse then any other rocks and sand that are always present. If plastics can’t biodegrade why can’t they be considered as a somthing like sand after a certain point.

In: 43

45 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Getting rid of concrete is problematic. It has a tendency to float to the surface when buried making it problematic as fill. (This takes decades to happen) plastic is also hard to get rid of the major difference is how these two substance interact with biological systems. Concrete is basically just rock and organisms have evolved to deal with small pieces of rocks and sand such that it isn’t a problem. Plastic on the other hand is very new no organism has evolved to deal with small pieces of plastic so that plastic can build up and cause problems. Plastic can also release organic chemicals as the deteriorate which can cause problems.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Concrete is not that much better. Excavating sand from river bed or sea floor causes erosion, water pollution and devastates organisms that are dependent on it.

Depends on the sources of other ingredients, crystalline silica and naturally radioactive materials could contaminate the concrete and that’s a major air quality concern.

And that’s not counting the giant amount of CO2 footprint the concrete industry has. For one curing of concrete release CO2, production and transportation of concrete also consume lots of fuel.

Less much of a problem for already developed country, but for developing countries that are going through a construction boom these effects could be detrimental.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Concrete is not that much better. Excavating sand from river bed or sea floor causes erosion, water pollution and devastates organisms that are dependent on it.

Depends on the sources of other ingredients, crystalline silica and naturally radioactive materials could contaminate the concrete and that’s a major air quality concern.

And that’s not counting the giant amount of CO2 footprint the concrete industry has. For one curing of concrete release CO2, production and transportation of concrete also consume lots of fuel.

Less much of a problem for already developed country, but for developing countries that are going through a construction boom these effects could be detrimental.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Getting rid of concrete is problematic. It has a tendency to float to the surface when buried making it problematic as fill. (This takes decades to happen) plastic is also hard to get rid of the major difference is how these two substance interact with biological systems. Concrete is basically just rock and organisms have evolved to deal with small pieces of rocks and sand such that it isn’t a problem. Plastic on the other hand is very new no organism has evolved to deal with small pieces of plastic so that plastic can build up and cause problems. Plastic can also release organic chemicals as the deteriorate which can cause problems.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Getting rid of concrete is problematic. It has a tendency to float to the surface when buried making it problematic as fill. (This takes decades to happen) plastic is also hard to get rid of the major difference is how these two substance interact with biological systems. Concrete is basically just rock and organisms have evolved to deal with small pieces of rocks and sand such that it isn’t a problem. Plastic on the other hand is very new no organism has evolved to deal with small pieces of plastic so that plastic can build up and cause problems. Plastic can also release organic chemicals as the deteriorate which can cause problems.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

plastics are hydrocarbons, which some of your flesh can interact with. Interference and damage of systems, clogging, defects.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The physical shapes that plastics can take in themselves pose a significant hazard that concrete does not have.

Nylon rope, plastic sheeting/straps, 6-pack loops, etc… all have the potential to trap animals with lethal consequences highly probable. As an example, here is a [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@OceanConservationNamibia/videos) channel dedicated to rescuing Seals from being caught up in all manner of things like straps, fishing line, netting, etc… 98% of which is plastic and the damage it visibly does (cuts through the skin and blubber all the way to the bone) is horrific.