Why are so many buildings in Peru half-built?


I’ve noticed that in every city we’ve been to—Cusco, Lima, Paracas—there are many buildings that have been partially constructed. Often, the bottom floor is complete (but perhaps vacant) and the top floor(s) still have exposed rebar and are roofless. This trend appears to be for both residential and commercial structures.

In: 157

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Here ya go…

> To help the homeowners, a new policy did away with property taxes while homes were being constructed. This was done to encourage construction, which would provide jobs for workers and finished homes for residents.

> The law was ripe for abuse. Peruvians could finish their homes just enough to be comfortable to live in but not all the way, so they can avoid taxes.

> Still to this day, countless of these homes exist with inhabitants in the lower floors but incomplete upper floors.

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