Why are so many old websites hosted at universities like MIT?


I Googled for the lyrics to “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch” and up came [this ancient HTML document from the days of Web 2.0](https://stuff.mit.edu/people/dpolicar/writing/poetry/poems/meanGrinch.html).

I’ve noticed that Google will often point me to these very old, rudimentary webpages that are 20 years old or so, and often hosted at American universities like MIT.

So my question is, why do these websites exist in the first place, and why do they still exist?

In: 2187

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

2.0? That’s OG Web 1.0, baby, when you could still hand code HTML in Notepad, and you typically would because the markup codes were so basic, and WYSIWIG editors were crap. Universities were among the first public facing institutions to get on the Web, and because they have no commercial imperative to keep their sites modern, especially several layers below the home page, when old timey profs retire, the pages often just persist in perpetuity. (Source: old timey Web 1.0 webmaster in a large public institution)

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