Why are some CEO’s such as musk and bezos so rich while other CEO’s of similar companies are worth so little in comparison


Jeff Bezos is worth about 150B$, this is extremely high, but other people, such as the ceo of Goldman Sachs is only worth about 1.3million$, and even the ceo of apple and apple is only worth around 1.8Billion. What is the cause for such a high difference of weath between these people even though the company are comparable in size.

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pretty much all their net worth comes from owning stock/stock options in their companies. Whenever Amazon/Tesla stock price goes up, their net worth increases. Or likewise if the stock price goes down, their net worth decreases. CEOs often get grants of stock at very cheap prices, especially if they are onboard early in the company.

Amazon stock went up during the pandemic as people were ordering everything online. Tesla’s stock hit a high of 381 a year ago but is 207 today. So Musk’s net worth has dropped by almost 50% just in the last year.

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