Why are some CPUs better at video editing while others are better for gaming?


With the new WWDC coming out, Apple boasts about its performance using applications like video editing, encoding, etc. However, I keep hearing that despite the “power” it has, macs are not good for gaming (I know the Apple silicon processors aren’t just a CPU but my point still stands).

Why is this the case? Even with CPUs, I see that some are marketed as doing different things, like the AMD Ryzen X3D line for gaming, versus others that are better for productivity tasks. Shouldn’t a good CPU be able to do both things? What makes them different?

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23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is all kinda BS. Apple likes to talk shit and CPU and GPU is full of shit scam marketing for everyone all around!

The simplest matter is that the best option for both is to get the most powerful CPU possible and pair that with lots of RAM. Games actually aren’t that CPU intensive, and aren’t optimized to take advantage of all your CPU can do, the big thing for most modern complex games, usually 3D environments, is rendering graphics, which is done by the GPU, not CPU. Even many pretty old CPUs are totally fine for many modern games, but you need to pair that with RAM and a good GPU otherwise you’ll have bottlenecks at various points. Hell, the better Intel 3000 and 4000 series released in like 2011/12 still can work for many games (though not with settings pushed to the max of course). This isn’t because modern cpus are bad or anything, its that even those 10 year old ones are still really freaking powerful

Video editing is just a power hungry beast and will take every resource it can, so you give it as much as you can. The thing with videos is just more is better. More more more. More of everything. ITs always been this way. Just as much as you can jam into your system for power and resources

Anyone selling you a “gaming CPU” or “gaming motherboard” is hoping you’re stupid enough to not know this is not a thing. Their marketing has apparenttly been successful, because people think this is a thing. This is not a thing.

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