Why are some fruit poisonous? Shouldn’t fruit be more edible so that more animals eat it and disperse the seeds?


Why are some fruit poisonous? Shouldn’t fruit be more edible so that more animals eat it and disperse the seeds?

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5 Answers

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Some fruits are poisonous because they have **natural toxins** that can harm humans. These toxins may protect the plants from being eaten by animals or insects, or they may be a by-product of the plant’s metabolism. Some fruits may also be poisonous because the rest of the plant is toxic, and the toxins end up in the fruit as well.

Now, plants need to protect themselves from herbivores because herbivores can damage or kill them, reducing their chances of survival and reproduction. Plants also need to balance their energy between growth and defense, so they may not want to invest too much in producing fruits that are attractive to all animals. Plants may prefer to have their seeds dispersed by specific animals that can benefit them more, such as birds that can carry the seeds farther away. Some plants may also use their fruits as a way to communicate with other plants or animals, such as releasing chemicals that attract predators or parasites of the herbivores.

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