Why are songs and movies copyrighted but you can upload a full playthrough of a video game on YouTube?


Why are songs and movies copyrighted but you can upload a full playthrough of a video game on YouTube?

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123 Answers

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The people making video games believe that having a full playthrough of them uploaded on YouTube isn’t an actual substitute for playing the game. Watching someone else play the game on YouTube isn’t the same sort of experience as playing it yourself. And that you might see someone play that game and decide to buy it and play it yourself as a result.

However, listening to a song on YouTube or watching a movie on YouTube is an actual substitute for buying the song or the movie. You aren’t very likely to go and buy the movie on Blu-ray after watching it for free on YouTube. So the companies who own those media want to make sure they aren’t being streamed on YouTube without their permission.

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