Why are songs and movies copyrighted but you can upload a full playthrough of a video game on YouTube?


Why are songs and movies copyrighted but you can upload a full playthrough of a video game on YouTube?

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123 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

they can still take it down if they want, but it increases their game sales, sometimes by a LOT especially when a big streamer plays an indie game. however, people looking up movies and songs for free arent (usually) going to then buy them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

they can still take it down if they want, but it increases their game sales, sometimes by a LOT especially when a big streamer plays an indie game. however, people looking up movies and songs for free arent (usually) going to then buy them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

they can still take it down if they want, but it increases their game sales, sometimes by a LOT especially when a big streamer plays an indie game. however, people looking up movies and songs for free arent (usually) going to then buy them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have watched games on YouTube and decided to buy them on multiple occasions. I would assume I’m not the only one, and that’s why.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have watched games on YouTube and decided to buy them on multiple occasions. I would assume I’m not the only one, and that’s why.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have watched games on YouTube and decided to buy them on multiple occasions. I would assume I’m not the only one, and that’s why.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is copywritable and play troughs have been subject for dmca takedowns, specially from Nintendo, who just recently let up on people showing their games

Unlike movies games actually sell more if it is shown, and watched by others. So they let them have it up as free advertisement

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is copywritable and play troughs have been subject for dmca takedowns, specially from Nintendo, who just recently let up on people showing their games

Unlike movies games actually sell more if it is shown, and watched by others. So they let them have it up as free advertisement

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is copywritable and play troughs have been subject for dmca takedowns, specially from Nintendo, who just recently let up on people showing their games

Unlike movies games actually sell more if it is shown, and watched by others. So they let them have it up as free advertisement

Anonymous 0 Comments

A video game play through is free advertising for a paid product (unless you download it illegally).

Uploading a movie, podcast, music etc. is providing someone’s protected property to others for free. If you wrote a song, copyright, and publish it you get to choose who can use it and for how much. That’s how you make money. If Timmy comes along and records your song on his phone and then uploads it in a lyric video it with a tacky lime and white paisley background which then goes viral he’s getting money for your song.

TLDR: play throughs are free advertising and uploading movies, songs etc. is stealing because you’d other wise need to pay to “own”/enjoy them.