Why are songs and movies copyrighted but you can upload a full playthrough of a video game on YouTube?


Why are songs and movies copyrighted but you can upload a full playthrough of a video game on YouTube?

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123 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nintendo had a big issue with people uploading game content a few years ago, but the backlash from sane human beings made them give up the fight.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Paying $ for a video game is so you can play it. Watching someone else play it is not taking $ out of the pockets of the creator. Songs and movies, however, you are “consuming” in the way they were intended if you are watching or listening. Doing this for free on youtube (or anywhere else) is a way to consume the product without paying for it. Watching someone play a game will do nothing but make *you* want to play the game, so essentially it’s a free “commercial” for the game. No better publicity than seeing someone have a great time using your product. It just makes more people want it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Paying $ for a video game is so you can play it. Watching someone else play it is not taking $ out of the pockets of the creator. Songs and movies, however, you are “consuming” in the way they were intended if you are watching or listening. Doing this for free on youtube (or anywhere else) is a way to consume the product without paying for it. Watching someone play a game will do nothing but make *you* want to play the game, so essentially it’s a free “commercial” for the game. No better publicity than seeing someone have a great time using your product. It just makes more people want it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Paying $ for a video game is so you can play it. Watching someone else play it is not taking $ out of the pockets of the creator. Songs and movies, however, you are “consuming” in the way they were intended if you are watching or listening. Doing this for free on youtube (or anywhere else) is a way to consume the product without paying for it. Watching someone play a game will do nothing but make *you* want to play the game, so essentially it’s a free “commercial” for the game. No better publicity than seeing someone have a great time using your product. It just makes more people want it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Its free advertising if they and negative PR for their game if they do. If they absoultely dont like you they still can and its im their TOS

Anonymous 0 Comments

Its free advertising if they and negative PR for their game if they do. If they absoultely dont like you they still can and its im their TOS

Anonymous 0 Comments

Its free advertising if they and negative PR for their game if they do. If they absoultely dont like you they still can and its im their TOS

Anonymous 0 Comments

Watching a movie you rented, and watching it on YouTube would be virtually identical experiences (ignoring compression issues).

However, playing a video game and *watching* a video game are two completely different experiences. It’s like watching a movie with the sound turned off: You still might be getting the story (if there is one) but you’re missing out on one of the major components used to tell that story.

Plus, a lot of devs look at it as free advertising. Since let’s players aren’t giving away the whole experience for free, it’s a way to basically say “look how fun these people are having, you could have that much fun and have your own unique experiences if you buy our game.” Granted, the waters can get a bit muddy when talking about story only games, but that’s the gist of it anyways.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Watching a movie you rented, and watching it on YouTube would be virtually identical experiences (ignoring compression issues).

However, playing a video game and *watching* a video game are two completely different experiences. It’s like watching a movie with the sound turned off: You still might be getting the story (if there is one) but you’re missing out on one of the major components used to tell that story.

Plus, a lot of devs look at it as free advertising. Since let’s players aren’t giving away the whole experience for free, it’s a way to basically say “look how fun these people are having, you could have that much fun and have your own unique experiences if you buy our game.” Granted, the waters can get a bit muddy when talking about story only games, but that’s the gist of it anyways.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Watching a movie you rented, and watching it on YouTube would be virtually identical experiences (ignoring compression issues).

However, playing a video game and *watching* a video game are two completely different experiences. It’s like watching a movie with the sound turned off: You still might be getting the story (if there is one) but you’re missing out on one of the major components used to tell that story.

Plus, a lot of devs look at it as free advertising. Since let’s players aren’t giving away the whole experience for free, it’s a way to basically say “look how fun these people are having, you could have that much fun and have your own unique experiences if you buy our game.” Granted, the waters can get a bit muddy when talking about story only games, but that’s the gist of it anyways.