Why are steroids bad to the body if they enhance physical capabilities and why can’t we nullify those side effects?


Why are steroids bad to the body if they enhance physical capabilities and why can’t we nullify those side effects?

In: 48

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m not any kind of expert, but I’ll tell you what I know. They help you gain muscle weight. That may seem like a good thing, but weight is weight and it effects your joints and heart health, just like if you’re overweight. It’s also very hard on your liver, and from I’ve heard, it’s a little worse than alcohol.

Then you have other side effects, but the worst one is the mental side effects. You can get roid rage from it. You get really upset over the smallest things.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The body works to regulate hormones by feedback. If it detects too much of X hormone, it won’t produce it anymore (a problem whether one is using, or stopping use).

ELI5: That’s why ze balls shrink sometimes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Steroids are also bad for the immune system. You can do the natural thing or take 20 pills for the steroid and the side effects…

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not a doctor, but here is are the facts as I understand them:

First, not all steroids exist to prompt muscle growth, they’re just a classification of chemicals that can be used to prompt reactions in the body.

The user’s body will try to compensate for the presence of the steroids, upping production of some hormones and lessening others which can mean that your body stops functioning without them.

You can imagine this as a intricate balancing act, and a steroid will apply a weight to one or more of the points that the body is trying to balance, and the method your body uses to keep the balance is to increase or decrease the production of other chemicals, but the interactions of these chemicals is something that we as a civilization don’t have a complete understanding of (and the actual model of how it works may never be understood by humans). If the body sees the steroid as a particular type or class of hormone it will reduce production of that hormone and increase production of others that counteract it and balance it out. Add to that the fact that the body compensating for too much of something can kill it’s ability to make that hormone and if the body makes something that suppresses it then you have to up the dosage in order to get similar results.

For the ones that are for forcing muscle growth, it’s done by damaging your muscles, forcing them to heal. Technically that’s also how exercise works, you slightly damage your muscles then your body responds by regenerating the damage and then some. The issue then becomes the fact that just your muscles are growing, not your bones, cartilage and ligaments.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The body adapts to hormonal and chemical imbalances often unpredictably. Steroids can cause a massive build up of T which is good for muscle growth and sex drive. The body detects this as being something wrong and produces E to compensate. What has been known to happen is that T levels suddenly drop but the body still produces abnormal amounts of E (for a male). The result being shrunken testes and breast growth. The only way to do these chemicals safely is to have medical supervision and hormone level tests. Generally speaking no competent medical professional will do this unless you need it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So on top of what everyone else mentioned, I didn’t see this:

While it will increase muscle growth far faster than what’s naturally attainable, it doesn’t strengthen your tendons. So people can ramp up the weight disproportionally, resulting in the extreeemely unpleasant consequence of your muscles detaching from the bones on a heavy lift.

I would not recommend looking up the videos.

Edit: as to why you can’t nullify that side effect, there is no way to strengthen tendons beyond gradually with exercise.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So just reading off the first few comments I just want to say that there are complete safe ways to take steroids and can be completely regulated by a doctor, it’s just the black market aspect of it, unmonitored dosages, not knowing exactly what you’re getting when buying from some gym bro. I’ve never taken them myself but as I said I think if done correctly they’re could be very minimal to slight side effects.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It seems most drugs have side effects, like shrink your gonades, deep fry your liver and drip kick your kidneys, not mention boosting any cancers into overdrive.

Anonymous 0 Comments

>“they enhance physical capabilities”

>”why are they bad” then?

Those two points are not mutually inclusive as you appear to be thinking

Anonymous 0 Comments

I feel like if sich thing as nulifying side effects would exist people would first do it for all the drugs rather than steroids