Why are steroids bad to the body if they enhance physical capabilities and why can’t we nullify those side effects?


Why are steroids bad to the body if they enhance physical capabilities and why can’t we nullify those side effects?

In: 48

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The steroids work for what you’re trying to do with them, but also come with side affects of their own. Truth is, acne could end up being the least of your worries, you could deal with aggressive behavior and permanent hair loss.

Some things in this world are just like that, homeboy. Pros and cons.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The endocrine system works in a negative feedback loop. By getting an exogenous source of testosterone, your body stops producing it internally. That’s why your balls shrink, since the Leydig cells there produce testosterone. Testosterone in excess also aromatizes and turns into estrogen which gives men bitch-tits. There are ways to avoid it like novaldex/tamoxifen citrate or whatever the new craze is (estrogen inhibitors). At the end of the cycle, a steroid user would inject HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) to restart the HTPA axis / flip the old feedback circuit back online. Some people use clomiphene citrate to flip back on their endocrine system after a cycle. But this is bro science from 20 years ago. There’s probably new voodoo bro science. You could technically use it responsibly under the supervision of a doctor – this is called Testosterone Replacement Therapy to prevent age-related decay/wear/weakness. Obviously I don’t recommend steroid use unless it’s a medical necessity or unless you’re older and running low on natural testosterone, it drops 1% per year after 21.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Steroids do a lot. Regulating your immune system, blood clotting, behavior and much more.

There is a disease that does what you describe, muscle growth without an effect on the other parts of the body. It’s called myostatin related muscle hypertrophy.

The reason why your muscles grow from steroids is actually the same reason as in the disease. Your muscles will grow without a signal telling them to stop (myostatin). Steroids tell your body to produce less myostatin.

This is also why it’s difficult to do it without the side effects, you aren’t sending a signal to the muscles to grow, that would be easy, instead you have to take away a signal telling them not to grow.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Something outside of what everyone else said(from what I saw in a skim), you’re referring to anabolic steroids, and exogenous ones in particular. A steroid is a just a biologically active molecule that can meet receptors inside a cell because it is shaped a certain way. Far more often, steroids refer to the corticosteroids used as anti-inflammatory agents. Ex: inhaled for asthma, rubbed into a mouth ulcer, swallowed for systemic effect (IBD, arthritis, many others).

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think we should clarify that the word “steroids” have many meaning the world of sports and body building.

For the purpose of this chat I prefer the term PEDs, Performance enhacmenting drugs. Which includes anabolic steroids, Testosterone, Human Growth Hormone, stimulants, blood dopping. etc etc.

The problem is that often the drugs to nullify the side effects of or mask the PEDs are worse than the PEDs.

Body builders often take insulin to reduce body fat because of the elevated estrogen levels. Thats right!!!!! when you take PEDs to increase testosterone, your body will naturally release estrogen to try and balance out. PED users will also take estrogen blockers.

Your body just becomes confused.

Also, PEDs don’t discriminate what they do to the body. The increase the size of your organs. They also increase to chances of tumours & cancers.