Why are telescopes like JWST orbiting Earth able to perform so much better than telescopes on Earth that aren’t restricted by their size?


Why are telescopes like JWST orbiting Earth able to perform so much better than telescopes on Earth that aren’t restricted by their size?

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JWST is not orbiting Earth, it is orbiting Lagrange point 2 in the earth’s suns system. That is a point where both earth’s and the sun’s gravity pull in the same duration. That point is 1.5 million km away from earth which is 4x the distance to the moon or 1/100 the distance to the sun. The orbits it has around that point are quite similar in radius to the moon’s orbit around the earth

That means it can follow the earth around the sun and at the same time keep the earth, sun, and the moon close to the same direction and it can block heat with he heatshield from it reaching the large mirror.

There is at least two major reasons to have a telescope in space.

One is the atmosphere is not uniform so it bends light, the result is that at some point the limiting factor in resolution is an atmospheric disturbance. Telescopes are placed on mountain peek in locations with quite a consistent airflow on earth but still, the atmosphere is limiting. An atmospheric effect like this is why you can see a star twinkle.

A second advantage is if you are interested in a nonvisible part of the spectrum the atmosphere is not always transparent. Look at [this graph](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/F-Mackenzie/publication/302399795/figure/fig4/AS:360657494003712@1462998855199/A-Radiation-absorption-spectrum-of-the-Earth-atmosphere-in-wavelength-range-from-01.png) that shoe absorption vs wavelength. JWST observes from visible to 28 μm in the infrared spectrum. 28 μm is between the N2O and H20 labels to the far right of the graph. So the atmosphere blocks all IR light in part of the spectrum and for others is absorbed a significant percentage.

The object emits light and the wavelength depends on the temperature. The sun emits visible light because it is very hot. Earth and the atmosphere is cooler and emit at 3 – 100 μm. That overlap with what JSWT observes at. So a telescope on earth will try or observe faint light from space at wavelength where earth and the atmosphere glow. A thermal camera looks at wavelengths like that and you can see objects on earth emit light at those wavelengths.

The mirror and instrument part of JWST is cooled down to very low temperatures so they do not emit light at the same wavelength as observation is done at. Blocking light from the sun, Earth, and the moon cols that side down to minus 369.4 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 223 degrees Celsius). Some instruments require action cooling to minus 447 degrees F (minus 266 degrees C) only 12 degrees F (7 degrees C) above absolute zero, You can cool instruments and perhaps even the telescope and support building if it is on the ground but you can cool down the atmosphere between it and space. It show how cold stuff need to be for ut to nor disturbed observation

So the reason to keep the telescope in space is earth’s atmosphere that which limits resolution because it bends light and makes the observation in part of the spectrum impossible because they are blocked or Earth emits them itself.

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