why are the harmonics only multiple and not divisors of the foundamental radio frequency? When someone transmit,he can only disturb higher frequencies but NOT lower frequencies,since he can’t create harmonics i lower spectrum? If yes,why? He doesn’t do any kind of disturb in lower frequencies?


a person who transmit, he can only create disturb/interferences to higher frequency (the multiples of the foundamental frequency) but he doesn’t create ANY KIND of disturb in lower frequencies?

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When something has a certain “frequency” it means the signal repeats every period, where the period is inversely related to the frequency. E.g. a signal of 10Hz repeats 10 times per second, or every 1/10th of a second. 20Hz repeats every 1/20th of a second, etc.

When we talk about a “fundamental” frequency and its associated harmonics, the statement is sort of the other way around — *this signal repeats every 1/10th of a second*. Now realize that statement is true for a 10Hz signal, but also for 20Hz, 30Hz, and every other multiple of 10Hz. The higher harmonics simply repeat more than once during the fundamental period.

This logic only works one way. A 5Hz signal does not repeat every 1/10th of a second, since it’s only halfway through its period.

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