It was an intentional choice. The Greeks and Romans idealises sexual restraint and believed horny men were little more than animals.
They also believed that your body refected your true nature. So they believed symbolically a good man had a small cock.
To quote aristophanes on the ideal man “This is the right way for you, my lad, and if you do what I say you’ll be eternally blessed with a strapping body, a gleaming complexion, huge shoulders, a tiny little tongue, big buttocks, and a small cock. Should you choose to follow the fashion currently in vogue amongst the young men of this city, then it’ll be pasty skin, round shoulders, concave chest, an enormous tongue, no arse, a great hunk of meat, and a very long . . . turn of phrase!”
This came up in a human sexuality class I was taking once. The professor responded something along the lines of the ancient Greeks thought big genitals were gross/distasteful. Girl who had established that she was married, raised her hand and said that the statue seemed big to her. Her husband walked her to class everyday and I couldn’t make eye contact with the guy.
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