Why are the personal failings, moral transgressions, and general views of celebrities newsworthy?


Why are the personal failings, moral transgressions, and general views of celebrities newsworthy?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

People are social animals. We are adapted to care about the actions and opinions of high status individuals in our groups because those can have a big impact on our own lives.

Modern societies are much larger than hunter gatherer bands of 50 or so people, and to tie them together we tend to wind up with “celebrities” or similar individuals who fill the same sort of mental slot as high status individuals in smaller groups. Of course, their personal issues are now much less practically relevant to everyone else, but people still pay attention to them because they still fill the same role and that’s how people are wired to behave.

Anonymous 0 Comments

People look up to them and want to be like them. if they do bad things some people might want to do bad things as well.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Anything that gets eyes on screens is newsworthy, because the only goal of news media is to sell advertising space.

People like celebrities, or they hate celebrities. Either way, they watch the screen when it’s about a celebrity.