Why are the planets orbiting the Sun in a flat disk, instead of in all different orientations like the popular depiction of an atom?


Why are the planets orbiting the Sun in a flat disk, instead of in all different orientations like the popular depiction of an atom?

In: 15

7 Answers

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It all started as a supernova, an exploding star that made a huge cloud of debris. As it blew out, gravity between clumps in the debris cloud pulled them towards each other, and pulled more in, which started a circular spin in the debris that was glomming together from its gravity. And it pulled in more of the debris and spun faster and a lot pulled right to the middle and eventually piled up and ignited as the sun. A lot of the rest of the spinning cloud spun faster and flatter and couldn’t fall into the middle, and its own lumps started glomming together the stuff left in their area of the spinning cloud. All those gravity clusters started their own spins, but were all still spinning around the Sun, now we’d saying orbiting, as part of that original big spinning debris cloud it all formed from. The whole solar system is just the collapsed lumps of a spinning supernova debris cloud, evened out into a single common plane from the original spinning and the planets’ gravity.

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