Computer engineer here! Like others have mentioned, it’s actually because all storage capacity is a power of 2. This is actually because machine memory goes down to bits. One bit gives you 2 choices, 0 or 1. Adding another bit doubles those choices to 00, 01, 10, and 11. If you add another bit you have 8 choices instead of 4.
That’s why memory goes from 2GB to 4 to 8 to 16 to 32 to 64 to 128 to 256.
Memory in the 80’s went up by increasing increments of kilobytes, in powers of two as explained by others here. In the 90’s chips got smaller so you could fit megabytes where you could fit kilobytes. Then memory started to go up by gigabytes.
The flash memory for phones has been following the same pattern.
You’ll see phones in the future with 128/256 GB or greater increments, possibly.
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