– why are there 1024 megabytes in a gigabyte? Why didn’t they make it an even 1000? 2.56K viewsJanuary 25, 2024OtherTechnology Question100.55K January 25, 2024 0 Comments – why are there 1024 megabytes in a gigabyte? Why didn’t they make it an even 1000? In: Technology 22 Answers ActiveNewestOldest Anonymous Posted January 25, 2024 0 Comments Computers are, at base, a bunch of switches that can be on or off. If you have one switch you have two options 0 (closed) or 1 (open). If you have two switches you have four (00, 01, 10, 11). As such, powers of 2 come up a lot and 2^10 = 1024. You are viewing 1 out of 22 answers, click here to view all answers. Register or Login
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